Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Happiness is my family

Hello !
capek banget nih badan gue, kemaren pulang UTS akuntansi langsung dateng ke pangandaran buat ngehadirin 17th birthday adik teercantik gue Amelia Deana Santosa.
Pulang kuliah, jam 1 langsung cuuussss ke Pangandaran jam setengah 2. Bareng sama tante dan adik sepupu gue, tante gue bawa mobil dari jakarta ke pangandaran full 8jam tanpa berhenti! selain isi bensin doang. (emang seluruh wanita di keluarga gue superwomen!) hahahaha
I'm so excited, I miss my familiy sooooooo much.

Arrived there, the party was going. Malu banget gue dan shocked banget liat banyak banget orang+adik kelas waktu SMA, (malahan kata mamah tetangga2 pada nyangkain gue nikah -_- zayn malik nya aja masih sibuk konser, hahahaha)
Gue yang cuma pake kaos+celana jeans akhirnya terpaksa masuk juga, dengan malu-malu tentunya. hahaha. (akhirnya dress yang udah gue siapin gak kepake juga hahaha)

Gue telat, dan ngga kebagian acara tiup lilin. How happy I am that night, seeing all people I loved so happy. Unfortunately, daddy couldn't come. Because he is busy directing Si Biang Kerok Cilik, sinetron stripping di SCTV jam 6 sore. (malah promo haha) Here's the pict

This is the most dramatic for me, when I'm walking inside suddenly mommy,amel,and adit hug me

My two beloved women

Besok paginya (alias tadi pagi haha), amel traktir gue dan sepupu2 naik banana boat + snorkeling.
I'm soooo happy, I miss pangandaran beach sooooooo much :*

I'm so tired and wanna continue my sleep yaaawwwnnnnn....

Happy birthday , my beloved sista Amelia Deana Santosa.
Wish all happiness and succesfull in your life.
Be best in everything. aamiin. I love you!

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

be coquettish, hang out, funny photo

Yesterday was my 1st midterm test in college. My midterm tes will take untill 28december.
I hope everything went well, may Allah SWT bless me, and I get high score in every subject. Aamiiin :)

Well, this time, I feel weird of myself. I dunno why I'm be so coquettish :p
I love using soft lense, and also make my hair look curly, and now I feel I wanna go to salon and have some treatment :p
maybe I am more mature ;;) or just coquettish hahaha ?
unfortunately, I have not been able to go to salon. bcause im soooooo busy and sooo shy to go there :C
but , I'm promise, I will. Because my mom order me to do it ! :D

1direction croptee @DeandaShop, eiffel necklace @DeandaShop

Then, after 1st day of midterm test yesterday, my PPSPPT friend call me to hang out together.
first I feel so lazy because I wanna go home and take a rest, but finally we hang out together.
Then, We have fuuuuuuuun :D
we share, and have a lot of chat, we have a lunch then we took a photos.
when we are inside, we felt box will collapse :D because we always fall and fall after take a photo. hahaha.


Then, about this picture. I called it "face in red", lot of my friends ask me about this picture and say this is a cool and pretty picture. I dunno why, I just wanna laugh when I look at this picture
My friends, nafis, who took it.